Do you know how much time, effort, and resources you can save your team when you automate your data center management? With the right tools, […]
Automate provisioning of new hosts via orcharhino TEST (Webinar | Online)
In our webinars, we show you how open-source-based tools help with data center automation. In doing so, we present the features of various solutions, such […]
Benefits configuring hosts with Puppet, Ansible or saltstack integrated in orcharhino (Webinar | Online)
Configuration management is used to have a central source of truth to configure hosts. It can be used to ensure that the configuration stays compliant […]
Headless Kubernetes: Cloud-Kubernetes im eigenen Rechenzentrum (Webinar | Online)
Cloud-Kubernetes ist anders als man es von kubeadm, Rancher und Openshift kennt — die providereigenen Distributionen AKS und Co. kommen ganz ohne API-Server auf Cluster-Nodes […]
Automate provisioning of new hosts via orcharhino (Webinar | Online)
In our webinars, we show you how open-source-based tools help with data center automation. In doing so, we present the features of various solutions, such […]