presented by Dr. rer. nat. Maria Steinke, UK Würzburg, Klinik und Poliklinik für HNO-Krankheiten, plastische und ästhetische Operationen und Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Translationszentrum für […]
PELOAcademy | A new threat: Cross Contamination in Cell Culture (Webinar | Online)
presented by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gstraunthaler, emer. Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Instances of cross-contamination of cell lines are more widespread than generally appreciated. Despite periodic reminders […]
PELOAcademy | Scalable EV Isolation & High-Quality Purification:Integrating Charge-Based Filtration (Webinar | Online)
presented by Prof. Dr. Sehyun Shin, Korea University & CEO, Microgentas Inc., Seoul, Korea This webinar will showcase Microgentas‘ innovative approaches for scalable EV isolation […]